I got an email recently from my agency in response to some inquiries I had made about Molly's health and development. This is what I received:
Thyroid tests are normal, but she is still anemic (fairly typical, though, for orphanage babies). Weight is 7.2 kg, height 66.5 cm.
She crawls but can't sit yet, passes objects from hand to hand, bangs objects together, grasps.
She crawls but can't sit yet, passes objects from hand to hand, bangs objects together, grasps.
That's 2' 2" and 16 lbs for us older folks.
I have done some digging around the internet and found a map of where her orphanage is - I attached the Google Map to the sidebar. She is actually in a small village a bit north of the Vung Tau resort area - inland from the beaches. The village name is Ba Ria, and the Province is also called Ba Ria-Vung Tau. I couldn't find very much about the village - it seems to be quite small, and gets by-passed on the way to Vung Tau. I'll have to wait until I'm there to get some pictures.
P.S. I bought 4 CDs of children's music for Molly today. It makes me happy :)