Saturday, January 22, 2011

Christmas Eve with Susan and Quan

Susan and I started a Christmas 'tradition' last year, when we were both on edge waiting to get "THE CALL" to travel to Vietnam and get our children.  We had hopes of being with them for Christmas 2009, but ended up still waiting.  So on Christmas Eve, she invited me over for tea.  We read a couple of Christmas stories to our babies on the other side of the world and exchanged gifts for them from each other.  This is the picture she took to remember our visit:

This year, Molly and I went over again, and had a touching, emotional evening with them.  We were able to read the stories to the kids in person.  They were able to exchange gifts and open them in person.  We were finally having our first Christmas together as family.  Yes, I cried, of course.

Quan played some Christmas carols on his ukelele for us, and Molly showed him how she plays it too.

Susan and I reminisced about the past year, drank tea and watched the kids play together

Then we said our goodbyes, as I needed to get home to put Molly to bed.  I still had a lot of gift wrapping to do on behalf of Santa Claus!

1 comment:

  1. So Beautiful ! What wonderful traditions for the mamas and for the babies.
