Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Introducing Sophia and Belle

I'm happy to report that my weak hive is making a come back. I went over to see how they were doing yesterday, and saw some good things. There were about 4 frames of bees, stores of pollen and honey, the queen is still laying, and they had eaten the whole pollen patty and drunk the sugar syrup dry. Plus, they looked a little more active. It was interesting to notice that I now have two different colored bees in the hive. The original bees are golden/orange colored, while the bees that have hatched from the frame I brought over are much darker. It's really obvious - I will try to get a picture the next time I open the hive.

I have been having a hard time describing which hive I've been writing about, so have decided to name them, to make it easier. My first hive was given it's name last month by our host. So the Sophia hive is my first one - the package - and the one that needed rescuing.

My second hive came from the nuc, and I have decided to call it the Belle hive. The picture above is Belle.

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