Monday, August 23, 2010

My Proposal Anniversary

A year ago today, I sat in front of my computer and watched a picture of Molly slowly appear.  First her little fist, then a shock of black hair, then her little face with those huge dark eyes!  What an exciting, emotional time, full of promise and dreams coming true.  I have loved her for a whole year now!  (Click here to read my blog entry for that day last year.)

And what a year in between!  The high of proposal, the joy and panic to prepare for her, the devastation of waiting and waiting and waiting for the news to travel. Finally, the flight to Vietnam, meeting Molly for the first time, and the rest of my crazy, amazing, wonderful experience over there.  And now, the first few months of our life together.  There are no words to describe how incredible the feeling is to be her mother.  She's an awesome little girl!


  1. Happy Anniversary you two!!! Love the pictures with Han :)

  2. Wow! look at those eyes!! What a great story to be able to share with Molly one day! Enjoy!!
